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[Under Construction]

Triassic Robotics is developing legged robots and motion control systems for legged locomotion. Making robots that can navigate unstructured and uneven terrain with remarkable ease and agility.

Locomotion in unstructured environments has always been a challenging task for robots. Common structures like stairs, steps or uneven surfaces are difficult for robots to reach with wheels or tracks. Mobility in these conditions requires legs. Legged robots have significant advantages over wheeled robots as they can traverse many different terrains that would otherwise be difficult to reach with wheels or tracks.

However, legged motion is complex, requires specialized actuation mechanisms and complicated motion control systems.

Triassic Robotics is developing mechanisms and control systems that make legged locomotion possible



A robot that can go where wheels, tracks or drones cannot.

Stego is a four-legged (quadruped) robot that can navigate any type of terrain, uneven surfaces, human structures like stairs, steps, roads, side walks, etc. Stego provides mobility and access to the most difficult to reach environments.

Stego is an agile mobile robot. It can operate completely autonomously or can be controlled remotely with high level navigation commands while balance and stability is maintained autonomously.


Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) operations, Mine Detection and Neutralization, Border patrol, Transporting supplies, medical equipment, and other necessities

Industrial Inspection

Stego can be deployed in hazardous environments that are hot, humid, toxic, or otherwise too dangerous for humans to go. Stego can reach deep inside industrial complexes where wheels, tracks or drones cannot.

Warehouse Automation

Stego can be programed to carry out repetitive tasks autonomously, making Inventory management safe and efficient.


Regular safety checks, Routine inspections, maintenance checks, remote monitoring of operations


Remote monitoring and inspection of under-construction sites, on-site inventory management, gather construction data and progress updates

Oil $ Gas

Automate routine inspections, gauge reading, data gathering and other repetitive and hazardous tasks

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The brain of Stego
CortX is the software package that controls Stego.

CortX is the motion control system that enables Stego to navigate the most difficult terrains with remarkable agility. It is responsible for planning and executing locomotion gaits, obstacle avoidance, path planning and other autonomous features.